The most popular type of fencing, this is a durable, practical option for excluding and controlling livestock. A woven wire fence requires more posts than a chain link or pvc fence but is less expensive and quicker to install. It is also a more visually appealing option.
Wire fence an energiser to send energy down the line. There are different types available depending on the amount of power you need. The higher the power rating on an energiser the more voltage is available. The more voltage available, the closer the wire can be to animals without them arcing.
Wired for Protection: Understanding the Benefits of Wire Fencing
The energiser is plugged into a standard electrical socket and is located away from the fence. An energiser will run on a small amount of electricity, averaging about 5 – 8p per day to keep the fence active.
The corner posts for a wire fence are set in the ground and have more tension on them than the line posts (the ones that go between your corners). They must be strong enough to withstand the pressure placed on them by the strand of wire. The holes for the corner posts will need to be deeper than those for line posts. Generally, you will need to dig a minimum of 2-1/2 feet (.76 to.91 meters) deep for a corner post and 2 feet (.91 meters) for a line post. You should plan on putting a concrete base around these posts for maximum durability.