Stopping AnxietyInduced Whining in Dogs

Stopping Anxiety-Induced Whining in Dogs is because they are anxious or fearful. They may be afraid of being home alone, storms, fireworks or a stranger coming to their house. They can also become anxiety-triggered by seeing their owner leave, a loud noise or even just being on a walk. Other symptoms of anxiety include cowering, lip licking, yawning and a tucked tail. They may also exhibit repetitive behaviors such as pacing, excessive chewing or licking, avoiding eye contact or hiding in strange places.

There are many things you can do to address anxiety-induced whining, but it is important to remember that every dog is different and requires a tailored approach. A professional, reward-based trainer can help you develop a long-term plan to reduce your dog’s anxiety and associated whining behavior.

Quiet Comfort: Strategies for Stopping Anxiety-Induced Whining in Dogs

For example, if your dog is whining to be let out of the crate, try holding her paw in your hand and waiting for her to move her nose toward it before opening the crate door. This will show her that she is safe and you are there for her and will increase her confidence level over time. In addition, you can try using calming massage techniques to alleviate tension — simply start at the neck and work your way down to the feet. This can be done in conjunction with other behavior changes, such as limiting the amount of time spent in the crate and rewarding for calm body language.

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